Marine calcium carbonate balance

The chemistry of the oceans has varied significantly over the past several billion years, and it is changing at an unprecedented rate today in response to anthropogenic burning of fossil fuels.
Calcium carbonates are among the most abundant and reactive minerals on Earth, and their dissolution/preservation in the ocean helps to regulate changes in atmospheric pCO2.
Despite its importance, the rate of carbonate dissolution in seawater is still described by a purely empirical expression, and the physical and chemical mechanisms setting the overall kinetics remain unknown.

Source : Naviaux, John David (2020) Chemical and Physical Mechanisms of Calcite Dissolution in Seawater, Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology

The lack of understanding of the mechanisms involved makes accurate design of computer modelling techniques - which are currently crucial for predicting climate change - more problematic.

Also see : Oceanic CO2 absorptionplugin-autotooltip__plain plugin-autotooltip_bigOceanic CO2 absorption

Estimates for the amount of human-generated CO2 absorbed by the oceans is estimated at around 30 > 40%. However. the processes which govern the rate of absorption are extremely complex and poorly understood.


• As the ocean warms, its capacity to absorb CO

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