====== AI policy at Wikenigma ====== ==== AI-generated content ==== In the light of recent developments and proliferation of online and offline AI systems, it should be stressed that Wikenigma's current policy is that //all of the content should be entirely of human authorship.// \\ It's perhaps inevitable that some AI-generated content will eventually be featured - as even 'peer-reviewed' academic papers are now appearing with some auto-generated content. Largely unidentified as such. Current (2024) estimates are that around 1% of recently published academic papers feature some AI/LLM-generated content - including non-existent citations etc. In some fields, such as Computer Science, the number reaches over 17% ([[https://arxiv.org/pdf/2404.01268|ref.]]) \\ (Note that //some// academic publishers, such as //The Royal Society//, UK, now have an explicit 'Declaration of AI use' (if applicable) to be signed by their authors.) Wikenigma's current editorial policy is to remove any content found to be AI-generated. ==== AI scraping and re-using ==== The terms of the //Creative Commons //Licence which all// Wikenigma// content uses - [[https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/deed.en|CC BY-NC-SA 4.0]] - explicitly prohibits the re-use of material without proper attribution. Therefore any 'scraping' of text or images for re-use by AI systems (which don't give attributions) is automatically prohibited. **For the avoidance of doubt, //Wikenigma// does not permit any re-use of any of its content by any AI systems.** ---- Also see [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Computer-generated_content|Wikipedia's AI policy]] (in development).