====== Alice in Wonderland Syndrome ====== //'Alice in Wonderland Syndrome' //(AiWS) (a.k.a. //Todd's syndrome// or //dysmetropsia//) is a neuro-psychological disorder in which patients experience visual* distortions - so that surrounding objects can appear larger or smaller (or nearer of further away) than they actually are. It's known to be associated with infections of the [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epstein%E2%80%93Barr_virus|Epstein-Barr ]]virus (the cause of //Glandular Fever//), and also with brain tumours and[[content:medicine:diseases:m-q:migraine]]. But the neuro-psychological mechanisms are unknown. For many years it was assumed to be a very rare condition, but recent surveys have suggested that as much as 9% of the population may have experienced it at some stage. Source : __ BROKEN-LINK:[[https://jaacap.org/article/S0890-8567%2809%2965466-6/pdf|Journal of the Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry,]]LINK-BROKEN__Volume 28, issue 4 *//Note:// It can also feature auditory and time-distortion illusions. Further reading : [[https://www.hindawi.com/journals/bmri/2016/8243145/|BioMed Research International]], article ID 8243145.