====== Gabapentin ====== Gabapentin, a medicinal drug sold under the brandnames //Gralise, Gabarone, Fanatrex, Neurontin// (and many others) was discovered in the 1970s, and was first used as a muscle relaxant and painkiller. In the US alone, it currently has more than 40 million prescriptions per year. It's used to treat [[content:medicine:diseases:r-z:restless_leg]], [[content:medicine:diseases:m-q:parkinsons]] and [[content:medicine:diseases:a-f:epilepsy]] (and many other conditions). Its 'mechanism of action' - both as an anti-convulsant //and// as an analgesic - are unknown. Further info [[https://associationofanaesthetists-publications.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1046/j.0003-2409.2001.02399.x|Anaesthesia ]]Volume 57, Issue 5