====== Pubic Hair ====== >It has long been assumed that pubic hair is a remnant of a furrier period in our evolutionary history, and that the real question is why the rest of the body lost its hirsuteness." >\\ Source : [[http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg20327200.900-10-mysteries-of-you-pubic-hair.html|New Scientist]] August 2009. Many theories have been proposed to explain its existence, but as yet there's no generally accepted explanation. [[http://jbiol.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/jbiol114#Sec6|Here is a (lice related) theory]] from //Robin A Weiss// at the //Division of Infection and Immunity, University College London.// (//Journal of Biology//, 2009, 8:20) **//Note://** Pubic hair is //not// uniquely human. Most other mammals have it - but the other parts of their bodies are hairy too