====== Shakespeare's authorship question ====== Around a hundred years or so after his death, serious questions began emerging regarding doubts about the true authorship of the Shakespeare plays and sonnets etc. Since then a vast body of 'evidence' - both [[https://shakespeareoxfordfellowship.org/wp-content/uploads/Oxfordian2009_Kathman_Shak_Wrote.pdf|for]] and [[https://www.authorshipstudies.org/articles/controversy.pdf|against]] the idea that William Shakespeare was the true author - has built up. There are hundreds of scholarly and academic articles, countless debates, dozens of books, TV documentaries etc. etc.. The question is still not resolved. Concordia University, US, maintains a website - [[https://www.authorshipstudies.org/library/index.cfm|Shakespeare Authorship Research Center]] - which logs current progress. A [[https://doubtaboutwill.org/declaration|Declaration of Reasonable Doubt ]](linked to //The Shakespeare Authorship Coalition//) was presented to [[https://www.mic.ul.ie/staff/3082-william-leahy|Professor William Leahy]] at Brunel University UK, (now at Mary Immaculate College, Ireland) by veteran Shakespearean actors [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Derek_Jacobi|Sir Derek Jacobi]] and [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Rylance|Sir Mark Rylance]] on 8 September 2007. It now has more than 1,000 'notable' and 'academic' signatories. Recent research projects have focused on handwriting analysis and AI-based textural analysis. Neither has provided conclusive proof one way or the other. Substantial information on the subject, and links to scholarly references, can be found at [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shakespeare_authorship_question|Wikipedia]]